Sunday, December 28, 2008


We got a patient in at our nursing home with several bad health issues. She had just spent 93 days in the hospital for respiratory failure and had been on a respirator for three weeks before weaned off and a trach was placed. This lady is obese and is diabetic. The family voiced at admission that they were going to sue the hospital for keeping her on the respirator so long that she ended up with a trach. The husband said if anything happened to his wife he would "Shut this place down" He was constantly watching and degrading all care being done. Needless to say it was a tense situation. Last week she was doing well and smiling and she and her husband both seemed to have relaxed then--you guessed it --she died! Around midnight the nurse was suctioning her when she collapsed. A code was called and 911 called but she died at the hospital about an hour later. The hospital said they could not bag her because she was plugged. Well,we suctioned as deep as we could and never pulled out any plugs so I think that because she was unconcious at the time they were bagging it would be impossible to say that she was plugged. Anyway,we are all very upset by this and in shock. The famaly went balistic as would be expected.. I am now worried that I will be pulled into a law suit,have to hire a lawyer,miss work etc. Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jane-I'm with you girl! there is TOO MUCH BULLSHIT in nursing! Yes, and it's the NURSE who gets stuck with all the BULLSHIT! Something's gotta give... or there will be NO DUMB nurses to do the job..WHAT WILL THE FAT CATS do Then??!! k9lady 48 We have a pt. at the same facility that you are talking about.. who inferred that I was a prostitute..and he is NOT suffering with dementia! what was done about it?! NOTHING!! I was told I had to take it or get another job! nothing was said to him by my DON (who is supposed to be our advocate and superior) the LEAST she coud have done was SPEAK to this asshole-but no..I was told to tell him that I didn't appreciate it and I shouldn't be talked to like that-that would go over like a lead balloon!(SHE should have told him!We get alot of support and appreciation huh?!